August update

You'll often hear it said that Summer isn't usually the  most productive time of year for landscape photography but with trips up to the coast of north of norfolk and across east to the heathland on the Suffolk coast as well as exploring the farmland closer to home in south Suffolk, August has been a pretty busy month for me. Lots of nice big broken clouds moving around has resulted in some interesting skies and hopefully pleasing images.

Here's a few of my favourites from the month starting with this black and white from Saxtead Green in Suffok. I'd driven out there really just to check on the condition on the crops (more precisely whether they'd been harvested and baled up yet) but on seeing the sails turning and all those clouds blowing across a beautiful blue sky grabbed the camera and tripod to experiment with some long exposures.

In a similar way, another quick scouting trip around the local farmland on the look out for a picturesque field of hay bales resulted in the next shot, again a bright day with blue skies and big white clouds moving steadily across the landscape... my favourite conditions for black and white photography.

I made several trips up to the Norfolk coast during August exploring the walk along the dunes from Wells to Holkham. It's quite difficult to capture in a photograph the huge wide open spaces along this part of the coast where beaches seem to go on for miles at low tide so when I saw this boat passing by, I chose to keep it small and low in the frame leaving plenty of sky to try and give a sense of space.

Finally for this update is a photo I took on the heathland near Dunwich in Suffolk, the end of summer brings the heaths to life with a carpet of different shades of heather, sprinkled with spiky grasses and studded with the odd silver birch or fir tree... you'll often be rewarded by the sight (or sound) of a few deer as well... I love photographing the heather here, not just for how fantastic the colours are but also because I know that autumn is now just around the corner.

This is just a small selection of what I've been up to, more of my latest work can be seen in the gallery.